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Letters That Will Never Be Sent explores writing as a tool for survival. In this workshop, participants are invited to write a letter to someone, or something, that will never be sent. This could be a letter to a person who has died, or is no longer in their life. It could address a year – Dear 2020 – or a place – Dear High School. It could be a love letter, it could be a shopping list, it could be a poem. The intention is to place a narrative around what might be unsayable, or painful, or absurd, to give it a form, and therefore to know it better, or differently, through the act of writing.

Letters That Will Never Be Sent has been hosted extensively in both London and New York, and is featured in a documentary for BBC World Service called 'One Scoop or Two' and in a BBC news article. For more information or to commission a workshop, contact Lara here.

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